Today was a pretty pathetic day. It was rough, to say the least. Have you ever woken up on the wrong side of the bed? Today, I think I woke up on the wrong side of the planet. It didn't help that I only got about 2 hours of very restless sleep after a tough late night meeting the night before. To top it off, the kids were loud, cranky, needy, and overall obnoxious. I don't normally say that about my family. They are usually extremely well behaved, sweet, and happy but, as I mentioned before, wrong side of the planet. The kids that live on the side of the planet I woke up on today were not so fun.
We headed over to Goodwill after taking the husband to work. I thought we could get them a small something new to play with and I could get out of my funk with a new craft project to work on, not that I don't have a plethora of projects already at home demanding my attention. But, I figured a little retail therapy couldn't hurt. Matthew cried the entire time at the top of his lungs, kept dropping the little car we found for him, and was overly whiny. Haley kept yelling, her version of talking, and trying to show me different things. Really, I just wanted to be left alone to wallow in my feelings so I could get over them. I didn't want the responsibilities of being a mom, wife, house cleaner, woman, etc. today. JUST LEAVE ME ALONE! I think I even tried to sell my kids to the cashier. No takers. (Partly kidding!)
We went home so that I could feed them lunch, get Haley on the bus to school (Hallelujah!) and put Matthew down for a much needed early nap (Double Hallelujah!) I needed some "me" time to collect my thoughts, read scripture, and pray these feelings away. The more the day progressed the tougher it got.
Craft projects weren't going right, I kept crying while praying, and I couldn't memorize my Bible verse for the week (a new goal of mine I will tell you about later.) I had five phone calls one right after the other, including one from my husbands doctors office that let me know on top of the pneumonia he can't seem to get over, he also has mono. I think when she told me that, I just started laughing. Do you ever do that? She surely didn't understand me.
Tonight was not much better. I have secluded myself in the kitchen while my family is enjoying each other in the living room and happily watching t.v. I would like to go to bed and wake up when I am back on my side of Earth. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day.
Do you ever have days like this? What works for you to help you get out of it and back to who and what you know you are? I would love some ideas.

We headed over to Goodwill after taking the husband to work. I thought we could get them a small something new to play with and I could get out of my funk with a new craft project to work on, not that I don't have a plethora of projects already at home demanding my attention. But, I figured a little retail therapy couldn't hurt. Matthew cried the entire time at the top of his lungs, kept dropping the little car we found for him, and was overly whiny. Haley kept yelling, her version of talking, and trying to show me different things. Really, I just wanted to be left alone to wallow in my feelings so I could get over them. I didn't want the responsibilities of being a mom, wife, house cleaner, woman, etc. today. JUST LEAVE ME ALONE! I think I even tried to sell my kids to the cashier. No takers. (Partly kidding!)
We went home so that I could feed them lunch, get Haley on the bus to school (Hallelujah!) and put Matthew down for a much needed early nap (Double Hallelujah!) I needed some "me" time to collect my thoughts, read scripture, and pray these feelings away. The more the day progressed the tougher it got.
Craft projects weren't going right, I kept crying while praying, and I couldn't memorize my Bible verse for the week (a new goal of mine I will tell you about later.) I had five phone calls one right after the other, including one from my husbands doctors office that let me know on top of the pneumonia he can't seem to get over, he also has mono. I think when she told me that, I just started laughing. Do you ever do that? She surely didn't understand me.
Tonight was not much better. I have secluded myself in the kitchen while my family is enjoying each other in the living room and happily watching t.v. I would like to go to bed and wake up when I am back on my side of Earth. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day.
Do you ever have days like this? What works for you to help you get out of it and back to who and what you know you are? I would love some ideas.

Glad to know I'm not the only one with bad days like that. Tuesday I was the most miserable mom there was. Ughh... it made me ill. I don't think I got out of my funk till the next day.
Coffees usually help me, as well as sleep, (funny I mentioned those back to back:), crying, being alone, doing something ridiculous to make myself laugh, and praying all the junk out of my heart. And worship.
But some days are just miserable. Don't be too hard on yourself. It's easy to do. Am praying:)
Much love.
Hey there I cam over to say thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. We did need prayers last week for a situation for our foster son, so you were right on target, thanks for praying for us. I am so sorry you are in a foul mood, I usually put on shows the kids will somwhat watch and lay on the couch or take them outside and sit in a chair to watch and count down to nap time, although the four year old does not nap lol. Finally good old fashion comfort food works too, but mostly prayer, asking for forgivness and patience. Hope to see you feel better soon.
Kristi @
Oh bad days definitely come. For me the best way to get out of it is to pray and try to find ways to serve others. This forces me to get my thoughts away from myself.
I hope you start feeling better soon!
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