I am not big on New Years Resolutions. I am sure it has something to do with the past and seeming to "lie" to myself with the various resolutions I have made. The last several years I pick things that I am going to work harder on. Maybe that's the same thing as a resolution, I just feel less pressure. My goals usually revolve around improving myself, my relationship with Christ, my husband, children, and myself. I picked a word in an earlier post that I want to focus on this year. INTENTIONAL. Living intentionally in 2009 and beyond is important to me.
I was looking around on GodTube.com and found a song that I have heard many times by Point Of Grace called How You Live. I knew most of the words and have sung the song in my car and in my kitchen but listening to it today, it all clicked. The words made so much sense to me and put into words exactly what I am feeling lately about my life, my goals, and the direction I want to go in (if it is God's will). I have decided to adopt this song as one of my "focus songs" for this year to help guide me in my goals. I hope this song speaks to you as much as it did to me.
What songs speak to you in your life right now? I would love to hear. Send me a comment and let me know.

Hi Brandy,
I found your blog through Beth Moore. I actually never comment--twice in one day is definitely a record for me. Thanks for being so real on your blog. It is always refreshing to see that. I will be praying for you and your family. Since you asked in your post my two current songs are 'Whatever Your Doing' by Sanctus Real and 'All I can say' by the David Crowder Band.
A fellow Siesta,
Hi again Brandy,
Thank you so much for you sweet comment on my blog. (that still sounds too strange to say.) It means so much to me. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. I will be following along with your blog as well and definitely count on me for prayers.
With love,
Ok--sorry. Just had to add that when I read the post (with photo to back it up!) about your daughter cutting your hair I almost died laughing. I knew right there we could be great friends. You really should post an after photo.
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