Thursday, April 23, 2009

My 8

My friend Kristin at tagged me to complete these lists of "Only 8." So here goes:

8 Things I am Looking Forward to:

1. Going on our first family vacation next winter
2. Seeing my family for my cousins wedding
3. Playing outside this spring/summer with the kids
4. Going to the Living Proof Live Conference with Beth Moore in June
5. Meeting my newest neice and new neice or nephew
6. Family coming to visit
7. Living on less
8. Learning more about my Jesus

8 Things I Did Yesterday:

1. Made coffee (and drank it)
2. Cleaned the house
3. Listened to my daughter read
4. Tickled Matthew over and over
5. Took a relaxing bath
6. Read an entire book during my bath
7. Listened to K-LOVE on line and sang songs to my Jesus
8. Prayed at the bus stop with my six year old

8 Things I Wish I Could Do:

1. Adopt
2. Go on a date with my hubby
3. work on my scrapbook
4. Focus on one thing at a time :)
5. Work on my masters
6. Be more organized
7. Be more present
8. Get out of debt

8 Shows I Enjoy:

1. House
2. C.O.P.S
3. Pens Hockey
4. anything on HGTV
5. Dancing with the Stars
6. Avatar: The Last Airbender (thanks to my daughter)
7. Jeopardy
8. Fox News (I excercise with it on because I get so angry about everything...makes for a great workout)

8 People I Tag:

Ace at

Kelly at

Beckie at

Alicia at

Melissa at

Kim at

Claire at

Beth at


Ace said...

Oh cool! I've never been tagged before! I am also a wiz at procrastination, so I will follow through by mid next week, I promise!

Kristin said...

Yay! Thanks for doing this:) I love learning more about everyone! We have so much in common.

Love that you listed that you want to learn more about your Jesus among 8 Things You Want to Do. I love that about you, friend!

Greg said...

You are an awesome wife. :) I love you... 143

Macey said...

Just saw your blog and thought I'd post. I love comments, I think most bloggers do! So do you get angry at Fox News because of the commentators or because of the news going on in the world? I have an even mix of both!
Macey : )

Macey said...

So you're telling me a dean of students, a person dedicated to the education of children, used that word?? I think people use it because they think it sounds "smarter" or something. My mother in law says things like this..."I know you guys wanted to go to the zoo, but and however, it's ...(whatever the rest would be). But and however?? Come on! : )

Macey said...

Hi Brandy! I tagged you on my site, so go check it out and have fun! Yo Gabba Gabba? Yikes. I swear, I think when that show is on, it's actually killing my brain cells one by one. : ) Probably cause I'm not a toddler. I don't get the one eyed orange thing and why do these things live in DJ Lance's boombox? And WHY would any self respecting adult wear that horrible orange get-up with those glasses and that furry hat and NOT request a mask so people don't recognize him in the real world? : )