Saturday, July 18, 2009
Niagara Falls....oh how I love thee...
Friday, July 17, 2009
Ten Years Ago....
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Praying for baby Luke

Saturday, June 20, 2009
A whole lotta catchin' up to do...
I love black but I wanted a little bit of "happiness" inside so I went with a beautiful pink for the inside. It doesn't show well in the picture but there is some green in the pink fabric so I went with green pockets for a little more "happiness". No one will really ever see it but me.
One of my favorite things about this purse is that I happened to find a Bible that matches the inside of my purse. It is even my favorite version. This is perfect because I love having my Bible on hand but I have a heavy monster one that isn't really conducive to traveling with.
I would love to hear what you think. I am currently making one for my mom who requested patriotic colors. I love her!!!
CONGRATULATIONS TO BECKY FROM Infarrantly Creative. She had the correct guess for the contest. Go check her out and send her some love! She has fabulous crafts and tutorials. Not to mention, she is an adorable red headed stylin' mommy, with two fantastic children. She loves her husband, and more importantly, loves the Lord. Yeah!!!
I will be posting an interview with her as soon as I get the questions to her and she responds back.
Well, I need to go ahead and shut it down here for now. We have some crazy lightning going on right now and I would hate for anything to happen to my computer.
Off to fold some laundry.
Love you all,
Brandy :)
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Matthew update
I will be back with more soon, including a post with pictures of all the craft projects I have been doing lately. Life has been extremely busy but, after 2 1/2 weeks, I finally have the leaks in my house fixed and am able to use my own washer and dryer. Hooray for the little things.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Lord Jesus,
We thank you so much for sweet Bentley. The miracle you performed in her life is so evident. Lord, we ask that you guide the human hands that are working on her today. Touch each person in that operating room and give their hands undeniable calmness that can only come from you. Be with Bentley's family, especially her parents. Let them feel your arms around them and give them a sense of peace that is so strong they cannot help but KNOW You are with them. Finally, place a hedge of protection around sweet Bentley. Heal her body Lord Jesus. You are the Great Physician and we thank you for that. I ask that your will be done in this situation. Thank you for all the prayers going out for Bentley today. Bless each person that takes the time to lift this family up in prayer.
In your sweet precious name,
Monday, May 11, 2009
Not Me Monday
If you would like to join this crazy carnival, head over to MckMama's site. It is really great me.
So, this week started out as any other...yeah right!
I did not wind up taking my beautiful 2 year old son to the emergency room, the pediatrician, and the surgeon in a span of 3 days so they could all see that he ripped the stitches in his scrotum. He does not have a gaping hole there. We did not spend $130 in co-pays for each doctor to tell us, "YIKES! That's not good!" (Gee, ya think?) We do not have to continue to deal with this gaping hole as it heals on its own.
We are not 100% THANKFUL TO OUR HEAVENLY FATHER that our beloved son does not have to go back into surgery. Ahhhhhhhh!
On a much lighter note....I did not go to change out the laundry (put the washed clothes into the dryer) only to smell a strong urine odor. I did not discover at the bottom pile of clothes a used dirty diaper that had been washed along with our "clean" clothes. I did not spend a good 15 minutes cleaning out said washing machine because the diaper had completely fallen apart in the washer. There was not diaper particles ALL OVER my "clean" clothes. I did not have to rewash everything again. I AM NOT happy that there was only urine in that diaper. Sheeesh!
I did not fall up the stairs holding my beloved two year old and injure my back, shoulder and elbow. My middle name has not become Grace. I do not have a serious issue falling UP the stairs.
I know there is so much more that I could share, but I am feeling exhausted by all of this honesty (you know, telling you about the things that really did not happen). I think I need to go take a nap.
Oh, one more thing, I did not sleep in until 10:15 this morning on accident. My children were not still sleeping. I did not completely panic because I have so much to do today, including getting my 6 year old on the bus. I am not writing this post instead of doing the things I need to do in hopes of getting somewhere in the top 200 of MckMama's list this time so I have new readers leave me comments. I absolutely do not heart comments from my readers.
Love you all,
Have a blessed day!!!