The ambulance finally arrived and checked him out. We got him into the ambulance where they continued to triage him. We had to get the car seat out so he could ride safely. Haley and I rode in the back with him. The EMT gave Haley a little Shark named T-Bone. Haley loved it and still has it in a very special place. While they were getting him hooked up to tubes and oxygen, putting a neckbrace on, and checking everything out, someone began banging on the ambulance door. It was some lady who was upset that the ambulance was blocking her into the parking space. The EMT was so upset with her and put her in her place. We saw both good and bad parts of humanity that day. I, for one, liked the good parts.
During the ambulance ride he was stable so they drove a normal speed without the lights on. Not long after, though, he started getting very lethargic and then lost conciousness. The EMT told the driver to go "lights on" and we heard the sirens wailing and saw the lights flashing. The cars were going by very quickly in the window. The EMT got on the phone with the hospital and was updating them while he was poking Matthew with needles and doing a sternum rub. The air was very tense. I looked over at Haley who was facing the entire scene and she had her head bowed, her eyes closed, and her hands folded and was praying for her brother out loud. It was the most wonderful moment I have ever experienced. I just broke down and wept. To see the image of my 4 year old daughter with enough strength and faith to pray out loud in an ambulance for her brother, I knew I wanted to be just like her. She became my hero that day. The amount of strength, poise, and faith she had that day was overwhelming.
To make an already long story a little shorter, Matthew survived the head trauma with a major concussion and a horrible bruise and bump. We were released late that evening into the arms of Greg who had been at work the entire time, completely unaware. The next morning Matthew began throwing up, a horrible sign of a head injury worse than previously thought. The pediatrician sent him back to the hospital where he underwent more tests, including another MRI. It was determined that his head injury was the same and that he probably had the flu. He started breaking out in extreme hives all over his body, running a fever, and continuing to vomit. It took him 6 days to recover from this in the hospital. Greg and I stayed with him all the time while Haley was bounced around from friend to friend. Greg and I both wound up getting the stomach flu and Greg was actually sent to the hospital. It was a crazy six days and we did not know if we would make it home for Christmas. Finally, the Dr. told us Matthew could go home. We were elated and tired. Sleeping on a hospital floor is not exactly the most comforting thing in the world. But, our baby was going to be okay and we would all be together for Christmas. We went to church later that evening and worshiped God with all that we had. It was a great day.
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