Just wanted to write a quick update since things have been super crazy. I never miss a chance to get things off my chest from the past week and enjoy the carnival over at Mckmama's.
This week, I absolutely did not walk out my front door and find a fairly large box sitting on the stoop. I did not immediately get excited about the possibilities inside, especially when I read the box contained 500 of each. It was not addressed to Greg and I naturally did not rip it open right there on the front steps. I would never open a package addressed to my husband. I was not completely puzzled, shocked, horrified, and embarrassed when I found this.
Do you see the name on the packaging????? Look real hard! Yeppers, those are not 500 Trojan condoms. Apparently Greg did not win some sort of contest and this was not one of several prizes. (Just for your information, he did not enter the contest for this prize, seriously)
Can you say...YUCK!!! Even if this did happen, I definitely would never ever share it with my friends, family, and sweet dear blogger friends. Nope, not me!
Greg and I totally did not spend an entire hour trying to convince, coax, bribe, and threaten our near six year old daughter that her tooth needed to be pulled. This was not her very first loose tooth. We absolutely did not horrify her with stories of our dad's pulling our teeth out with pliers. When we finally pulled the tooth, she didn't even know her daddy had actually already pulled it out. Truly! Too funny! (I just realized, our childhood stories of teeth pulling had an eerie similarity to those stories our parents told us as children..."I walked 10 miles to school, both ways, in the snow..." Funny, well maybe you had to be there.

Hope you enjoyed some of the strange adventures of my week. I would love to hear what you think and would love to hear your Not Me's.
Oh my goodness that story is too funny! Thanks for sharing.
Your blog is beautiful!
That's what I thought they were at first been then I thought Nah those cant be. I scroll down and sure enough I got a close up to confirm it! That is soo funny! Thanks for sharing!
Wow that is a lot of loving. I think you need to turn around and have a giveaway for 100 of them. I would enter. Wink wink.
oh my brandy. how embarrassing. geez. i don't know whether to laugh or cringe. awkward, very awkward.
thanks for making me smile. i've needed one of late:)
LOL. I cannot get over the box of Trojans. Your box overfloweth! ;o)
I love hearing your "Not Me" Mondays. You are a wonderful storyteller. You make me laugh...and sometimes cry. That story was quite amusing. :-)
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