Several of you have emailed me wanting to know why I have not posted (other than Not Me's) in awhile. Well, honestly, it hasn't been a priority. Things have been super busy with MOPS, hockey, Girl Scouts, living with babies, sick hubby, life, etc. I have been on this blog so many times and nothing has actually come to fruition. Mostly I just love reading the comments. I crave/need/covet your comments. I guess it helps to actually write something that people can comment on. Well, today is going to be a hodgepodge of stuff. I have several crafts that I have done, but never shared. ..........................
Now, if the phone will just stop ringing........
My first project was this cute step stool I found at Goodwill for $2. It was a really solid wood with no stains. It didn't necessarily need any work. I would love to know the story behind this as I am sure it is hand made. I filled in the holes with Spackle and painted the top part with white paint before I took this picture. My original plan was to make this a timeout chair for my son.
This painting is perfect for Haley. The moment I saw it, I knew I had to have it. I loved the colors, shapes and collage of the whole piece. The price had me jumping up and down for joy.
We also painted this awesome shelf that my wonderful neighbor gave me. Haley painted it a bright pink and then we painted a softer color pink over it and wiped it down as we painted in sections. I love how the treatment came out. It looks so great up close but I couldn't get a good picture of it.
I hope you enjoyed all the pictures. If you want me to post more of this kind of stuff, let me know. I have several other projects that I have worked on and would love to share.

My bloggy friend Alicia gave me my first award last week. It is the lemonade award for someone who shows great attitude/gratitude. I was so excited. Thank you Alicia. I am going to have to figure out who to pass this award onto. Go visit Alicia and cheer her on as she works hard at making herself healthier for her family.
Have a blessed day!
Giveaway coming soon!!!!
Giveaway coming soon!!!!
Those are so cute! I wish I was that creative! You did an awesome job!
What a cute stool!
Wow Brandy! You are so stinkin creative! I love what you've done, making "trash" into treasures:).
All that craft stuff look awesome, especially the lamp!
Are you a Girl Scouts leader? I am a Pippin leader here in NZ, which is part of Girl Guides, which is, apparently, very similar to Girl Scouts. :)
Oh my gosh. You are so FREAKIN' creative! Your brother has the same ability to see the potential in something. I just see the work. :P Thanks for sharing!
Those are all wonderful projects! I wish I had the time and energy to do that kind of thing. They look great! Please share again when you do more. :-)
fabulous brandy!!! Love the stool! So cute. I always primer thigns like that first. It helps the paint stick better, especially if little ones are getting their hands and feet on it. I am chomping at the bit for your giveaway. I gotta win...I gotta win.
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