We didn't set out to have this tradition. I guess like most traditions, it just happened. For about the last year, Saturday has been all about cartoons. In some ways, it is one of my favorite days of the week, and in other ways it seems wasted. Haley looks forward to Saturdays because it is cartoon day with Daddy. Greg and Haley share the same love language of quality time. They love nothing more than sitting still with nothing but mindless t.v. It's a good thing they have eachother for this because I am certain I have some form of adult ADHD. I cannot sit still. This has driven Greg nuts throughout our marriage because he desperately wants to sit and watch a full length movie without moving. I, on the other hand, am completely unable to. I have tried, and even gotten better through the years. My mind goes 100 miles an hour and covers multiple topics in a second. I have to get up and do something or I will crawl out of my skin. I think that is why this blog is going to be good for me. It gives me an outlet for my mindless drivle.
So every Saturday begins the same way. Haley comes into our room and wakes up Daddy and tells him it's time to snuggle for cartoons. Of course, she is often not quiet through her excitement and I then wake up. She always runs over to me, covers me back up, puts my pillow over my head, and tells me to go back to sleep for a long time. Sometimes, that is no big deal and I relish the thought of sleeping till 9 or even later. Unfortunately God gave me a bladder and a stomach that often have their own agendas. No matter how hard I try, the bladder screams for emptiness and the tummy for grub. Then comes the fun part. I drag myself out of bed and grab the baby and we thump down the stairs. We are greated by my darling Haley, in the arms of my half-asleep husband, yelling at me. "No Mommy, Go back to bed. Go back to bed." I find it funny that she is sad to see me. She is always afraid I am going to ruin this time for her and her daddy. She knows how I feel about T.V. The truth is, I love to see it. I love that they enjoy their time together and that Haley can crawl into her daddy's lap into that perfect position. I love that they laugh at all the same parts and get excited at every new show. I love that they don't even blink for fear of missing something. I love that through the few hours they spend on Saturday mornings, they are building a bond that can never be broken. I love that my husband is such a fantastic father who enjoys his children.
Now, if I can just do something about the stupid cartoons. Discovery channel anyone?
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
Preschool ends

My husband and I feel the same way about "graduation". It is meant for seniors of high school and college. Four and five year olds are supposed to move on to the next grade. Basically our belief is that our world is going insanely soft. Why are we giving awards to each child when they don't deserve them? Life is not like that. Not every person gets an award, certificate, trophy, or promotion just because they participate. They get them because they're good. We try to explain this to Haley and she totally gets it. She has always been the one to cheer on the other kids and celebrate thier accomplishments.
I will never forget two years ago, our last Christmas in Arizona. I was pregnant with Matthew and Haley had a Christmas program. She looked so adorable up there. She truly loves to be on stage. We call her our "Drama Queen". She has even introduced herself as Haley "Drama Queen". Cracks me up. Anyways, at the end of this program the music teacher was going to give away some of his tapes that he had recorded. They drew 5 names out of over 100 children. Haley was so excited for each child. She cheered and clapped. You would have thought that she had onewon each time. She didn't win one but never complained. I was so proud of her. I did notice after the concert, several parents were gripping that everyone should have received one because that was only fair. Come on people, what are we teaching our children?
This was not really the intention of this blog but apparently it was something I needed to get off my chest. :) Thanks for listening to my rants.
Today was Haley's end of the year program for preschool. She will be moving on to kindergarten next year. The kids sang songs that they had learned throughout the year. Pretty cute. Parents, grandparents, babysitters, and siblings were there for these 20 precious children. Greg wasn't able to make it due to work so I took lots of pictures. The baby drove me nuts the entire time. The principal could even see me loosing my cool and offered to take him on a lovely walk so I could enjoy the last few minutes of the program, without the banging, shreeking, or constant throwing of cheerios. That was awfully nice. After the songs, each child was presented with a Bible Memory Award for learning thier Bible verses throughout the year, a Curious George Book, and an award for a specific character trait they possess with a verse from the Bible to go with it. Haley was given the Enthusiasm award. Golly did the teachers nail that one on the head. That kid has more enthusiasm than she knows what to do with. Her teacher shared with the group how at the beginning of school when she asked Haley what her middle name was, Haley replied "Drama Queen". Her teacher checked with me to make sure that wasn't really it. I was so embarrassed. We have really let up on the Drama Queen comments. She also shared about Haley's expressive face in a recent picture she took.
I must say, this brought me to tears. I love Haley's enthusiasm for life. She is always the first one to shout out random information if she thinks it will encourage or educate someone. Websters defines enthusiasm in two ways. The first... "strong excitement of feeling". For those of you that know Haley, this is her. Maybe we should change her name to Enthusiasm Drama Queen. Nah, too many syllables to say when she is in trouble. Haley often has so much enthusiasm that her voice gets louder and louder and louder. Apparently, she comes by that honestly. :)
The second definition in Webster is the one I want to encourage more in her...belief in special revelations of the Holy Spirit. Haley has such a heart for God. She fears Him, loves Him, and is learning to know Him. Haley is always the first to pray when you are sad, hurt, or angry. She will just stop everything right there and pray out loud for you. I hope this comes from our modeling. Although our prayer lives are not perfect, they are intentional. We want Haley to hear us pray so she understands it is a conversation with God. There is nothing fancy about it, just come as you are. The day I realized that she understood this and knew it's value was the night I came into her room after a nightmare about 2 years ago. I scooped her in my arms and rocked her back and forth. She said "Mommy, would you please pray for me." I knew in that instant that with everything I do wrong, I must be doing something right. It was a moment of encouragement straight from God. My strongest desire is for my children to know the Lord Jesus Christ and make Him Lord of thier lives. I want her enthusiasm to grow for God. I want her to continue sharing that she has Jesus in her heart with complete strangers that we meet and never feel like she should not ruffle any feathers or feel embarrassed. I always want to hear her making up songs about God's greatness and awesomeness and singing them at the top of her lungs. I want her to continue learning God's word with the excitement that she shows now. I want to continue "catching" her teaching other kids how to pray or who the Philestines are. I want her to always rely on our Savior and know that she is fearfully and wonderfully made.
'For you formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully adn wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your workds, and that my sould knows very well. My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet here were one of them.'
Psalm 139:13-16
It Begins....
I have been wanting to do a blog for quite some time now.... okay for several years. Haley is now 5 and Matthew is 1. Each day brings so much great stuff to share with people and I never write it down. That's pretty sad since I have the worst memory know to man. I want my children to have these early years written down somewhere so they can read and share when they are older. When they ask questions, they won't have to rely on me remembering.
The main reason I haven't started this until now is because I am not great at it. Although I am a teacher, when I write, it just all comes out like a big blob on the paper. Sometimes it doesn't make much sense and I just ramble on. So for those of you looking for humor, you probably won't find it here. For those of you eager for great literature, I know of a few great books you might want to try instead. What you will find here is the window to my heart. I am proud to be a "chosen and adopted, daughter of a Great and Mighty King". I will speak about his greatness often, but not as eloquently as some. This is going to be a great way for me to reflect on my day, praise my Lord, and cherish my children and husband. I hope you enjoy reading as much as I am enjoying being able to tell my stories. I would love to hear your comments.
Well, here goes nothing!
The main reason I haven't started this until now is because I am not great at it. Although I am a teacher, when I write, it just all comes out like a big blob on the paper. Sometimes it doesn't make much sense and I just ramble on. So for those of you looking for humor, you probably won't find it here. For those of you eager for great literature, I know of a few great books you might want to try instead. What you will find here is the window to my heart. I am proud to be a "chosen and adopted, daughter of a Great and Mighty King". I will speak about his greatness often, but not as eloquently as some. This is going to be a great way for me to reflect on my day, praise my Lord, and cherish my children and husband. I hope you enjoy reading as much as I am enjoying being able to tell my stories. I would love to hear your comments.
Well, here goes nothing!
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