So I am writing this at about 3:30 in the morning. I haven't slept but more than an hour. Normally this would be somewhat usual as I do not sleep well. Tonight, however; I was very tired and looking forward to a good nights sleep. About midnight I awoke to talking. Haley takes after her mom and often talks in her sleep. She is usually very easy to understand during these episodes and I usually get a kick out of listening to her. I went in and checked on her but she was sound asleep. Matthew was also good. I headed back to bed. About an hour later I woke up again to the same noises. I again checked on Haley but she was completely out. Matthew too. As I walked back into my room I heard the noises louder. Picture me in a pitch black room, no glasses, half asleep and doing the strange walk you do when you are trying to discover where a sound is coming from. I strain my neck to hear and quitely tiptoe trying not to wake up the snoring husband and sleeping babies. Then, I did it. That darn lego that I forgot to pick up before heading to bed. I now have an imprint of the logo in the bottom of my foot. Luckily the snoring husband sleeps solid. I swear, our toilet could explode through the roof and he would never hear it. But I digress...
I finally discover the noise is coming from outside. At this point, it is close to 2. I open the window to discover 4 teens having a party. Loud music is blaring, they are laughing, smoking, drinking, etc. Not a good thing. I yell out the window that they have now woken us up and they needed to take it inside. Did I mention the music was blaring? You guessed it, they did not hear me. I grab some clothes that are more appropriate for a teenager to see and head downstairs, lego imprint and all. My back patio, on the main level, has a partition to give a little privacy. I lean over the side of the balcony and tell them to take it inside and turn down the music. I must have had a mommy tone because one of the girls apologized several times. As I walk back in, I smell pot. Lots of it. Yikes!!! So my mommy mentality says "They shouldn't be doing this. Their parents should be told." The other part of me, the one that grew up between two violent gangs near downtown Albuquerque says, they will shoot you and your family if they find out who told." I pray for guidance and decide that I am sure their parents do not know what they are doing (only one teen lives there and his parents are obviously not home). I go upstairs and watch for awhile and they are obviously not going to wind down. I make the call. 911
They come only a few minutes later. I went outside to meet them in order to keep them from knocking or ringing the doorbell and waking up the kids. I tell them the story and they walk around back to try and catch them in the act. I want to know what is going on so I go upstairs and open the window just a tad and sit on the floor and try to listen. I hear a few things, mostly the officers irritation at the teens and the crying from two of the girls. Then the ambulance arrives. Turns out one of the teens has had a bad reaction and believe he might have had a seizure. He turned out to be okay though. I don't really appreciate the decibil level of my husbands snoring until I am trying to eavesdrop on the conversation next door between the stoned, drunk teens and the very helpful officers of the law. By the way, what is it about an officers uniform that makes them so darn attractive, even at 2 in the morning?
Anyways, this whole thing lasted for a little over an hour. The crying, the talking, the lectures, and oooooo the drugs. Lots of drugs and lots of bottles of hard alcohol. Needless to say, all four were arrested and taken out of there. The officer came to the door before they left and said that I was right and everything would be quiet for the rest of the evening. Evening? What evening? My husband is going to be up in a little more than an hour and I am now slightly horrified that I got four teens arrested. Well, technically, they got themselves arrested. I just helped with the process. Oooop! Sorry 'bout that. (Grin)
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